General Rental Conditions
Last update: September 4th, 2024


A deposit of 30% of the gross rent is required to confirm the reservation.

The agency cannot guarantee a villa if the deposit is not paid.

The reservation will only be confirmed once the deposit has been paid into the agency’s account and the rental contract and reservation have been signed.

For bookings outside the holiday periods (Christmas and New Year):

  • If the reservation is made more than 60 days before the arrival date, a deposit of 30% will be due with payment of the balance of the gross rent within 60 days of the arrival date.
  • If the reservation is made 60 days or less prior to the arrival date, the full payment of the gross rent will be due.

For reservations during the holiday season (Christmas and New Year):

  • If the reservation is made more than 120 days prior to the arrival date, a deposit of 30% will be due with payment of the balance of the gross rent at 90 days of the arrival date.
  • If the reservation is made 90 days or less before the arrival date, the full payment of the gross rent will be due.

Please note that if the balance is not paid within the agreed-upon time frame, the reservation will be automatically canceled, and the deposit paid will be lost.


Remote payment is possible via credit card (except American Express) or bank transfer.


A booking fee of 10% will be charged on the rental amount.


A pre-authorization of 20% to 25% of the rental amount, excluding fees and taxes, will be required as a security deposit.


For payments made in euros, the conversion will be based on the exchange rate of the day.


For reservations outside of the holiday season (Christmas and New Year):

  • If the Client cancels 61 days or more before the arrival date, the Agency will be entitled to a percentage of the gross rental price equivalent to 30%.
  • If the Client cancels between 60 days and 31 days before the arrival date, the Agency will be entitled to a percentage of the gross rental price equivalent to 50%.
  • If the Client cancels 30 days or less before the arrival date, the Agency will receive a cancellation fee equivalent to 100% of the gross rental price.

For reservations during the holiday season (Christmas and New Year):

  • If the Client cancels 91 days or more prior to the arrival date, the Agency will be entitled to a percentage of the gross rental price equivalent to 30%.
  • If the Client cancels between 90 days and 61 days before the arrival date, the Agency will be entitled to a percentage of the gross rental price equivalent to 50%.
  • If the Client cancels 60 days or less before the arrival date, the Agency will be entitled to a percentage of the gross rental price equivalent to 100%.


The Client agrees to respect the general conditions of occupancy listed below:

  • Not to exceed the occupancy capacity of the property.
  • The premises being the object of the hiring must not, under any pretext, be occupied by a number of people higher than that indicated, two people maximum per room.
  • In the event that the latter exceeds the number of occupants and occupies other rooms not rented, additional charges will be requested.
  • If the number of occupants is less than the number of rooms booked, no refund will be made.
  • To occupy the premises personally and not to sublet, even free of charge, nor to transfer his rental rights.
  • Not to do anything that, because of its fact or the fact of the persons accompanying it, can harm the peace of the neighborhood or the other occupants.
  • Not to introduce any pet into the rented property without prior authorization from the owner, the possibility of possession being subject to the fact that the animal does not cause any damage or disturbance of enjoyment in the neighborhood.
  • Not to make any modification or change in the layout of the furniture and the premises; nor to transport furniture and objects outside the rented property (except with the written authorization of the agency).
  • Refrain from throwing objects into the sinks, bathtubs, toilets, sinks of a nature to obstruct the pipes.
  • To let execute during the rent, in the rented places, the works whose obvious urgency does not allow their postponement.
  • Events such as weddings, parties, and others are strictly forbidden without prior written agreement from the agency or the owner.


  • The rental rates are weekly and indicated in dollars.
  • Rates are subject to change without notice.
  • A minimum stay of 7 nights is required (shorter stay upon request).
  • During the holiday season, a minimum stay of 14 nights is required, including Christmas and New Year’s Day (shorter stay upon request).


A tax of 5% on the amount of the rental will be paid to the community.


At the time of booking, the Client must:

  • Produce a copy of his/her passport corresponding to the credit card holder.
  • Accept and sign a pre-authorization at the Agency to charge his credit card to cover any damage or additional costs during the stay (loss of key, repairs, etc.).


The arrival in the villa will be from 3:00 pm, and the departure day before noon.

If, for any reason, the departure from the villa is not made before noon, an additional night will have to be paid.


The Agency encourages the Client to take out travel insurance covering events that may interrupt, cancel, or displace the vacation.

The Client’s and occupants’ personal belongings are their own responsibility.

Neither the owner, the manager, nor the Agency shall be held responsible for any loss, theft, or damage of such items.

It is recommended that the Client place valuables in a safe on the property or in a locked room.


The Agency will make every effort to ensure that the property made available to the Client is as presented; however, neither the Agency, nor the owner and manager are responsible for the consequences of utility failures such as water, electricity, telephone, television, and internet outages.

The Client shall inform the Agency within 24 hours of his arrival of any anomaly noted. After this period, the rented property will be considered to have been given clean and in good working order on the Client’s arrival.

The Client shall immediately inform the Agency of any damage or deterioration occurring in the rented premises, even if there is no apparent damage.


The Client agrees to release the Agency, the villa owners, and their principals, officers, directors, employees, representatives, agents, and volunteers (collectively the “Indemnified Parties”) from any and all liability whatsoever against any and all claims that may arise from the occupancy of the villa and the use of its property.

This release includes but is not limited to the pool(s), Jacuzzi(s) and whirlpool(s), fitness equipment, kitchen equipment, and any damage or loss of life that may occur to Client, Client’s party, Client’s guests, if any, and Client’s children and pets.

Art de recevoir
Art de vivre
Villas de luxe
French Touch